Vicky C. Tam is Professor and Associate Head in Department of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University. She obtained her PhD degree specializing in Family Social Science from University of Minnesota (USA). She is Registered Social Worker in Hong Kong, and Associate Fellow of Hong Kong Psychological Society. Prof. Tam’s teaching and research specializations are in child and adolescent development, parenting, and learning communities. She has conducted a number of practice-focused research studies on themes related to family and child well-being with funding support from Education Bureau and in collaboration with primary and…
Dr. SHAM is a Psychiatrist in private practice in Hong Kong. He graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2001. Dr. SHAM obtained his Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrist (MRCPsych) in 2005. He has awarded Diploma of Advances in Medicine in CUHK (Dip.AIM) in 2007, Fellows of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists (FHKCPsych) and the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (FHKAM(Psychiatry)) both in 2009. He has awarded Fellow in Thanatology (F.T.) in 2016. In 2018, Dr. Sham has awarded Diplomate, Certified Cognitive Therapist in 2018.
Ms Rachel Ng is the founder of Family Dynamics. She had been well aware of the impact of family relationships on the development of teenage students since her teaching in secondary schools for more than ten years. This apprehension grew even stronger when it had come to her own experience in raising her two gifted children, struggling between diverse family values and cultures from different families of origins. With growing interest and dedication to family work, Rachel graduated from the master program of Marriage and Family Therapy with distinction at Hong Kong University. She has been grateful that she could witness distressed couples and…